
Switch to UCU today!

Direct deposit. Convenient & Fast

Benefits of Direct Deposit - Make the Switch

The vast majority of employees in the United States are paid with direct deposit because of its cost and convenience benefits to both employers and employees.

What is direct deposit?

Direct deposit is a method of payment of wages where the employer electronically transfers into your checking or savings account. Employers and employees often choose this payment method because of its convenience, security, and efficiency.

Direct deposit benefits for you include:

• Timely depositing of checks
• Reduced time required for checks to clear
• Reduced chance of losing checks or having them stolen
• No need to spend time visiting your credit union or ATM to deposit checks
• Payments can be divided automatically among designated employee accounts
• There is no cost to employees for direct deposit.

How to switch to direct deposit

You can arrange to switch to direct deposit as a safe, secure, and easy way to access your paycheck on payday. You can enroll by completing a direct deposit form and providing the following information to your employer or payroll company:

• Account and routing information for a valid credit union account or payroll card;
• The type of account (Savings or Checking); and
• The name on the account

University Credit Union Make the Switch Checklist helps you with all the details of switching accounts in just five easy steps.

You will be on your way to enjoying all the benefits of University Credit Union membership:

Split-to-save option for direct deposit

If your company offers direct deposit of paychecks, another way to save money is to have a split-to-save feature. Under a split direct deposit, you can direct a fixed portion or a percentage of their paycheck each pay period into a designated account.

Use this handy Make the Switch Checklist to help you make the switch. Or get more details at any branch or by calling 786.425.5000


* Monthly Service Charge may be waived or reduced based on Relationship Rewards Tier.


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